You know what this means. It’s been awhile since our last naming session, but now’s your opportunity to get your favorite planet a brand spanking new moniker. Here are the planets from last time that are still unnamed, please correct me in the comments below if I made any mistakes:
Are there any other suggestions out there? Comment below and I will add them to the list!
TL;DR Please comment WHICH PLANET you want to receive a name below
UV-351d (N AMM)
Frostbite (capi3101 Name THAT Planet: Round 3 - #4 by capi3101 )
Haunga (McCowen, means stinky in maori, the language I assume Katoa comes from.)
Bendy (tooslider…)
OT-442b really needs a name, being the only starter planet without one now. I think something similar to Montem and Vallis would be quite appropriate. Like Volco, Riverun, or Steppton.
Im also for naming OT-442b. It seems like the ugly sister of JS-299a. There is a lot of greek names related with JS-299a but I feel they dont realy match. But something like Infecunditas or Dürrenia*1 could be nice.
I’d like to propose the name Danakil for OT-442b; it’s a region in Ethiopia with sulfur hot springs, and given that OT-442b has both SCR and H20 I think it would be fitting
Looks like OT-442b is the winner! So far I see we have a few ideas for a name: Infecunditas, Dürrenia, Volco, Riverun, Steppton, Ifrit, Danakil. Any other ideas out there?
Kinda similar to Volco, but I like Vulcanus - seems like there could be a lot of volcanic activity on that planet for that amount of sulfer/oxygen (and probably sulfer dioxide) to exist.
OT-442b shall be henceforth known as Danakil! Thanks for everyone who participated. Big shoutout to discern for proposing the name! Stay tuned for the next ‘Name THAT Planet’