We Have Been Set Upon By Scoundrels

I mean I get that you’re trying to paint the forces against you as the evil side as hyperbole. But the analogy doesn’t stand up at all:

CUOP indisputably struck first, as did the Axis powers.
CUOP planned this in advance, as Axis did.
CUOP are made up of a clear definable alliance, with some periphery supporters. As were the Axis. The movement against is much more a forced alliance of convenience with a broader aim of simply stopping the attack, as the Allies were.
CUOP believe in aggression serving their definition of a greater good, democracy isn’t relevant. Axis genuinely felt they were fully justified.
CUOP have a clear propaganda strategy (called propaganda by their own members), Axis are in many ways the key innovators of propaganda.
CUOP claim to be along side the new/small companies but are clearly harming them despite their messaging. Axis loved to appeal to the working class in propaganda but sold them out every turn.
CUOP have little care for the wider community, Axis really didn’t like the League of Nations.

Now, from this what lessons can we learn for the future…

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