We have been set upon by scoundrels. There are robber barons among us who have erected a monopoly. The nine planets that produce CUO are now completely under the control of a single corporation. Their corp ID is CUOP. On it’s face, this is a monopoly on the supply of CUO. In fact, it will soon be a monopoly on both the cost and availability of shipbuilding. Make no mistake, their real purpose is to control shipbuilding.
The CUOP will try to convince you that they are a good and benevolent cartel. You are going to hear, ‘look how low we’re keeping prices.’ Out of kindness I suppose. More likely, a classic case of wolves in sheep’s clothing.
The CUOP will tell you, ‘we didn’t hurt you’, ‘did it cost you anything?’, ‘this will only effect the biggest players’. Bullshit. Free and open shipbuilding will invigorate and enrich all of us, from the technical manufacturers all the way down to the lowly carbon farmers. The stranglehold that the CUOP cartel has on shipbuilding will enrich a very few and leave all the rest of us scrambling for the scraps that fall from their table.
The resistance to the cartel is represented by the Independent CUO Association. Independent CUO Association The ICUOA has called for a boycott on all LM(Local Market) transactions by any CUOP cartel member. This includes any shipping, buying, or selling contracts on any LM anywhere. By freezing these evil actors out of, particularly the shipping market, we will be able to cripple their operations across the universe. They will quickly find that the excess profits they are collecting from CUO taxes are not sufficient to keep their operations in progress.
These are the robber barons who have us in their chokehold. Refuse their business. Boycott their shipping. Remember their names.
MrTCSmith, Viggie
charlesswimmer, Echo Heavy Industries
CaptainLama, CaptainLama Inc
Name_Dunno, KIWI Corp
Grizzle0104, Gaia Trade Company LTD
Woggie, Woggles
MiguelNeves, WTERSYS
Konvolut, Konvolux
comrade, comrade
Every one of them is a governor on a CUO planet. Every one of them have raised production fee taxes to 9999 in order to make it impossible for anyone outside their cartel to produce CUO. These are their planets. Take a close look at them.
BE-796c, MrTCSmith
FJ-982b, charlesswimmer
HK-811e, CaptainLama
LH-786b, Name_Dunno
VC-406a, Grizzle0104
MO-605c, Woggie
KQ-078c, MiguelNeves
ZK-170b, Konvolut
YO-312e, comrade
You might ask, how can a corporation of 9 people get elected to governorships and control these planets? They have the cooperation and support of GDP(Galactic Development Project), an old corporation with a history of underhanded dealings. Additionally, there are several very big money players providing financial support. Notice on the CUO planets that every WAR space is rented out. Hundreds of warehouse spaces rented for 9999/week.
Nevertheless, they are few. We are many. They can not stand if we all rise up against them. If the ship pilots and traders hold the boycott, they will coliq. If farmers and tradesmen show up on their planets they will be voted out. Please join us in this effort to make the riches of shipbuilding widely available. They can be defeated – if we work together. Rise up. Strike a blow against the robber barons of the cartel.
There are 17 days until the elections end on the CUO planets. Plenty of time for all of us to gather up a base kit or two and pay them a visit. Help your friends and neighbors get ready. No need for a fancy HAB or EXT. All you need is a base to get a voice and a vote. In order to add a little excitement to the festivities, every settler will be provided with a Texas-sized can of Official Whupass. Feel free to open your can and spread it around in the planet chat as soon as you arrive.
Please join us for the holiday festivities. Pack a picnic lunch. Bring the family. A fine time will be had by all.