What follows is a proposition for review and discussion for improving and balancing out the economy of silicon and silicon ore within game.
As the game currently stands, SIO is one of the weakest ores in the game when it comes to mining and selling, mainly because the game has a very strange recipe for turning SIO into SI, and far easier ways to get SI as a whole from other recipes. Researching how Silicon is made in real life has given me some insight into how this could be fixed so that SIO can get back to being a valued resource without losing the value of the other products.
To start off with, the current recipe is 3SIO + 1 AL = 1 SI. This does not make much sense as Quartzite, real life SIO is mostly Silicon Dioxide, and the reaction does not require Aluminum at all. The real life reaction in within a furnace is SiO2 + 2C = SI + 2CO and 2SiC + 2SiO2 = 3SI + 2CO. The reason for the second equation is because at the temperatures needed, some of the Silicon bonds with Carbon. So a more accurate recipe for smelting SI in PrUn terms would be 5SIO + 2C = 4SI, not using Aluminum whatsoever. I realize this is really dumbed down in comparison with the actual science behind it, but I think the point is made.
However this type of Silicon is NOT what is used in microchips and and nanotech. There are impurities to this process, and is called Metallurgical Silicon. Metallurgical Silicon IRL goes into glass, or to create alloys such as Ferrosilicate or Aluminosilicate, which are used for engines. Approximately 70% of Metallurgical Silicon goes towards this. If you want to use it in microchips, it needs to be purified, which is much more complex.
To purify silicon, it needs to be mixed with gaseous HCl to create gaseous trichlorosilane (HCL3SI), then mixed with gaseous hydrogen at such a high temperature that the gas burns off and only the Silicon atoms remain. This pure silicon is then pumped out in droplets or removed in threads that can then be used to create semiconductors or photvoltaic cells.
So here is my proposition for fixing the Silicon recipes. For starters, eliminate SI and replace it with MSI (Metallurgical Silicon) and PSI (Purified Silicon). Then replace the current recipes as follows:
SIO → MSI: 5SIO + 2C = 4MSI
MSI → PSI: 1MSI + 3CL + 4H = 1PSI (This could also require an AML and not an SME to make.)
TS/ZIR/BER: Replace the output of SI with MSI.
Anything that takes a CLR to make: Replace the input of SI with PSI.
SIO → GL: Change to MSI = GL and MSi + ?FLX = ?GL
Implementing these changes will eliminate the expensive nature of using Aluminum in the smelting process, and make it more available overall. Also the three current other sources of Silicon, TS/ZIR/BER will retain their value as it can be used for midpoint products and alloys for other things such as vehicle parts, and can still be refined into the silicon used in electronics parts. FLX is used to reduce the melting point of metals such as silicon, so adding it to create bulk glass makes a lot of sense and gives FLX more use.
This is of course an open topic for debate and improvement. I used https://hackaday.com/2021/11/15/mining-and-refining-pure-silicon-and-the-incredible-effort-it-takes-to-get-there/ as a source, and I recommend anyone science-minded to read it. I put a lot of thought into this and I hope it will improve the balance of the game greatly, or at least for silicon production.