Release Notes - Wider price bands


Server: 0.7.46
Client: unchanged

General Notes

If your APEX console is stuck in a loading state after the update, please make sure to refresh it once after the update to ensure you got the latest version.

After the free-to-play release, we realized that the current implementation of new CX price bands isn’t quite perfect yet:

  1. Because of the two different bands for TRIAL and PRO users, respectively, it is very hard for PRO users to tell whether TRIAL users will be able to match their orders.
  2. Since the price bands are based on past trades, not standing orders, some orders become unmatchable even to PRO users.

Consequently, we decided to temporarily make the price bands wider and to abolish the distinction between wide and narrow bands (they are all “wide” now).

Also, because we are currently facing the issue of Promitor being full, we have made the new auto-deletion feature a bit more aggressive and implemented measures to ensure that more old companies “wake up” so their deletion deadlines actually kick in.


  • Wide (for PRO users) and narrow (for TRIAL users) price bands are now identical.
  • The price band is generally wider.
  • Inactive users on the Asteroid tier that have been inactive for 6 weeks or more are deleted without warning (up until now, they were treated as “paying users” with infinite inactivity deadlines, rendering the deletion mechanism moot because any pre-F2P user essentially has an Asteroid tier account).


  • EXPERIMENTAL: Entities (users, companies, etc) will now update their state to the current level even on read-only requests, thereby triggering things like auto-deletions even if no pings are scheduled.

Update: The deletion mechanism for inactive users is now a lot more straight-forward. This hard way of doing it is temporary and only intended to purge inactive users from the system that have entered the game using free Asteroid tier key and have since been inactive.

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