It is no secret that the first month for a new player is EXTREMMELY slow. So much that this is the main complain about PrUn I read on the internet.
Many things make that start slower than it should be :
- Due to a lack of capital, new players must sell at bid and buy at ask price, because it needs the money to buy new input goods. they can’t afford to wait.
- Because they have relatively few buildings, they must ship their goods however small they are. Sending their ship to the CX with their cargo almost empty consumes more fuels per sales.
This is an issue because it makes the game much more slower than it is at 1 full base and more. While this game can definitly be considered a niche, many players that would enjoy the game at 1 full base and later, quit because of the early game.
The early game is so slow than the community developped programs to counter it :
- The Antares Development Initiative gives a 1M grant for new players that are expanding in antares
- Saganaki gives a 100k 0% interest loans for new players
- Many players starts to offer loans (Shrewdsun, lowstrife, time’s edge …)
To give a perspective, a player that took neither grant or loans reached 1.15M equity in 75 days in the ADI discord server. This means that the ADI grant (or a first loan) speed up new players by about 70 days.
While they’re very effective, those solutions are accessible only through discord. This game need an in-game solution to this issue, discord should not be a requirement.
My suggestion is the following :
After the tutorial ends (the current 6 first missions), new advanced mission (an advanced tutorial) would start. Those advanced mission would give goals for the new players while giving significant reward. The goal would be that, after a month, the faction gave roughly half a full base worth.
Here’s a few missions ideas :
- production missions: the faction buying your production at ask Price on the cx
- expansion missions : expand your base ( 3 missions like this, from starting 2 buildings to 3 → 5 → 10 ?)
- shipping missions : like faction contract but more rewarding
- burn mission : have enough reserve for 1->3->5 days of production
- New base mission : Once a player used 480 area of his first base and has 5 days of reserve, they would receive the materials to create a new base
Those missions would be running all at once, spanning around 1 month. The new base mission would be the last one.
I strongly believe this would improve the new players retention.