Caveat: I do not pretend to fully understand the economy, so am fully prepared for this to be shot down from an economic perspective.
I have been discussing the following idea in the Discord with only a small number of players so far; but I think we can all agree that there is a pretty significant issue with encouraging new players to stick around.
The Problem
The single biggest complaint is generally “the game is too slow” which certainly is true in the first few days. Once you build the recommended buildings for your starter package, and you send one of your ships off to the CX to go buy inputs for your recipes there isn’t a whole lot more to do.
Yes the common counter argument - is you need to be planning, and researching, but I think a lot of potential new players are looking to have a certain itch scratched right away to at least get a taste of what is on offer.
TLDR Version
Increase starter packages (specifically more money) and move one of the starter ships to the CX to give new players more to do in their first few days.
My Suggestion (more detail)
So my thought; was why not increase the size of the starter packages? Only just enough that it allows a new player to start expanding almost immediately rather than having to wait two or three days in before they can do anything meaningful. This would be a small enough increase, that it shouldn’t have any significant impacts to the economy as a whole.
My suggestion was to increase the packages in the form of cash since the liquidity would give the new players the CHOICE and freedom to use it how they please; which will force them to do their own research, and plan ahead - which ultimately is the fun of the game.
Now I do also realise that handing a player more money, will likely result in them potentially making some poor business decisions - but I guess that is part of the learning curve.
Alternative to Cash
The counter suggestion is to increase the number of building materials they start with; and if they wish to sell them - they can. My argument against this, is as a new player if I was given enough materials to build an additional FRM and RIG - that is probably what I would have done which defeats the point of encouraging me to make that decision myself.
Move one starter ship
Additionally, I think it would be sensible to have one of the starter ships start at the nearest CX. This also means the new players are able to start buying and shipping supplies to their base immediately from the start, rather than having to wait a day for an empty ship to fly to the CX.
Tie in to the Tutorial
Finally, Fire and Rain on the Discord suggested making the additional cash a reward as part of the tutorial process to hopefully encourage completion of the tutorial.
Galaxy Reset Issue?
The only big flaw I can see in all this, is in the event of a galaxy wipe / reset; I am not sure how this might upset the economy in the infancy stages.