Either I need more morning coffee, or the sorting is the other way around. I wanted to see heaviest items in my inventory, so chose WGT and what I suppose is descending (arrow down). But it shows lightest first.
(can only add one image, so since all my lightest stuff weights only 0.1t, I’ll add screnshot with ascending, so it’s clear from the numbers)
The arrow is pointing from lightest to heaviest in that image. You can sort a list of stuff, but which way to display it (start at the bottom or at the top) isn’t.
Guess that does make sense. I always think about it as representation of sorted items. So single vertex pointing upwards tells me lightest at top.
Just did some quick research and looks like there’s barely any consistency in the industry. I noticed it just now. Really confusing to me.
You click a second time to reverse the sort order
There is however consistency within the game.