Why are certain high demand goods underbought?

To clarify, certain goods have super high demand and virtually no supply yet are super low priced. My main example is TRN. At ben station there are 5000 orders with no supply, and the highest bid is 325. Any TRN that is sent at a high price is almost immediately taken, yet these super low bids remain but clearly arent a bank as the person changes sometimes.

Because they don’t want to buy for higher and others don’t want to sell for lower :person_shrugging:

@FireFreak But the real question is, why this disconnect?

A possible answer: materials built from TRN is currently underpriced for whatever reason (lowered demand, TRN used to be cheaper, …), so no one wants to buy TRN until those materials’ prices go up.

Because it’s a game and people don’t take it as seriously as they do irl business transactions would be my guess :smile:

I wouldn’t overthink the actions of a handful of people, 5 in this case with one being inactive, in one order book of an illiquid item. Hell, 3 of them might well have forgotten that they have orders there considering their listing sizes.

The people there change. Most obvious example being there used to be 1000 less bids a month ago.

Did you look at the name of who posted these orders you’re talking about? That might have something to do with it…

There is a value to resting liquidity that others can take.

Additionally the market for these has grown enormously over the last 6 months. I’ve really sown the seeds for them to be successful lately when i flooded the market and put up guaranteed orders. Same for the work Allocater did in Antares too.

Also, Hortus and Benten don’t really trade electronics components.

I understand what you mean, but ive regualrly checked and there are often new orders from smaller companies that are cleanly filled, and some left untouched. There is an, admittedly small, market because of this and im just waondering why the gap never closed. Other goods also have these ig comapnies resting liquidity but there is still a mid-range functioning market.