Stuck in the middle of nowhere - fuel calculation stuck

hi guys,

I did NPC mission. Jumping/flying to LB-599 d. At longest flight setting, I did it with less than 76 units. Why the hell…I can’t jump back now?

Planet is barren, nothing there. No commodity exchange.

I am trying to jump/fly back to Moria - Vallis. Fuel “calculating”, and nothing happens.

Trying to fly just to the closest planet “min 96 unit required”

Moria Vallis > Moria Station with longest flight 46 units.

Is it bug?

Any suggestion how to get fuel, and jump back, please?

looks like the “issue” is planet gravity, which requires more fuel. basically, I am stuck there.

I am guessing, I have to fly with second ship, transfer fuel.

problem solved. jumping to CX requires less than 76 units

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Yeah, beware of those contracts, they’re not always profitable (exploration ones certainly are NOT profitable at all) and will cost you money instead of helping you

Beginner’s mistake. I didn’t check where to fly. So far all contracts were local :o)

I didn’t lose, but slight fuel drama. Gravitation is bciht :wink:

Second mistake was asduming same fuel costs. This planet has got 50% higher gravitation. Ship is back, so simething new was learnt

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