So I tried to find out if this question had been asked. Simply we can buy the ship components off the CX. I can make the ship at a facility. So if I can do these things why can I not then sell the ship on CX.
This is an integral part of every spaceship game mmo EVER. The market needs to be able to sell everything it can for immersion I would think.
When I asked in help I was told the Devs have not said Yes or No it has just not been implemented.
What I wonder do they fear may happen?
I would like to buy ships if available, thumbs up!
Both new and used ship dealers!
I can see an issue if people are allowed to sell their starter ships. New accounts might kneecap themselves by doing that, or people might use smurf accounts to trade themselves extra ships. As it stands the ship parts need to be manufactured or purchased.
Maybe just don’t allow selling of the starter ships.
That seems to be the simple answer to this problem. Is there any reason that just banning starter ship sales wouldn’t work?
There could be a minimum number of ships to be maintained (ideally 2). This can solve major stuff.
Yes I would say no starter ships can be bought sold or somebody would make 30 alt accounts sell them all flood the market and give the money to the main account.
I was more thinking buying 3/1k 2/2k ships allowing ship part makers another outlet to drum up business ( NO i do not make or sell ship parts) so I am not drumming up business for myself.
One can still take a starter ship and upgrade it but often times that I think would be far more expensive then buying a pre-made ship since to compete with individual part sellers ship creators would need to have competitive prices.
My vote would be to allow the selling of starter ships, with the following changes:
- New players get one small starter ship, instead of two large ones.
- You must always have at least one ship.
- You can trade in an existing ship when you buy a new one.
This would have to be a “next universe” change, since it wouldn’t be fair to change the starting kit of players who are only joining now. But you could still allow selling of starter ships in this universe if ship trading is kept as a PRO feature.
Make it rather like the base deconstruction limit.
A company can never have less than 2 ships.
That way a new company can not sell their 2 ships they start with.
Only once they made a 3rd.