Release Notes - Liquidity

Is there anything that can be done about ships which are unable to fly due to “component failed to render” error?

Can you please refresh your browser and try again?

Ships are now fixed. Thanks!!

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Small bug report, sorry if this is not the correct place:
When clicking “fly” in FLT and SFC opens the destination input is no longer autofocused.
I think it used to be autofocused because my muscle-memory starts typing right away :smiley:


We changed that behavior, because we want to open the result list immediately when focusing the destination input field. Even if nothing has been typed in yet, there are some helpful suggestions. If we focus the input field from the start, the result list will be open as well. We think that might be more annoying than having to click into the field once.

On the contrary, I think it would be helpful to have the result list open immediately. Especially if it is sorted well and provides relevant results. Right now it shows [Bases] and [Warehouses] but the warehouses list is mostly redundant since several bases also have warehouses. It is also missing some CXs. In my list only Hubur shows up. [Edit] --Apparently the list gets cut off so you have to move the window to the top of the screen to see more. Even then, it is still cut off as I don’t see Moria or Hortus.-- It would be better if it showed [Bases] and [CXs]. Or maybe just show the five most recent destinations for that ship. Or maybe bases & CXs sorted by distance.

Simply removing any entry in the warehouse section that already appeared in the base list might help as a quick fix.

I disagree with the change that was made.

Even now, after sending dozens of ships since the update, I’m still typing the destination automatically, realizing the field isn’t focused, going to the mouse, clicking the field and typing it in again. It’s frustrating every time.

The text input field should be focused by default, but the resulting list should not open until the user starts typing. Or, the field should be autofocused and the list should just open automatically. Not having either of them automatically engaged is the worst choice. You literally have no other reason for opening that buffer.

p.s when you type in the destination box, it filters out all of the planets in the Verse’ right. So, you type in a few characters and you can select what you want. Works great. The problem is, text you input should also apply that same filter mechanic to the list of own bases… Me, with 31 bases, means list of my own bases is so long it scrolls off the screen and is utterly useless because the list is simply too long.

It would be great if the filter also filtered your own bases. It would make it easier sending a ship to “OS-189a… or was it OZ-189a shit I forget”.

Or, at the very least, the matching base should be moved to the top of the list.


We just fixed a few issues:

  • Faction contracts of type exploration and shipping are more lucrative now
  • The “click to load more” button of the leaderboards now works
  • Opening the ship flight controls SFC now opens the address selector by default, allowing to instantly start typing
  • The address selector suggestion list is now scrollable