Expanse Release
Open all frequencies, blast the commercials and go knocking from door to door: It’s election season! Every planet may now elect a Governor to rule over local legislation. And while core systems are subject to Faction-imposed constraints, those planets further out are entirely at the mercy of their ruler…
Release date
The Expanse release will be released on December 12th 2019.
General Notes
If your APEX console is stuck in a loading state after the update, please make sure to refresh it once after the update to ensure you got the latest version.
New features
Planetary Administration Center
The planetary administration center (command ADM
) is a planetary project that allows to elect a governor. Everyone (not only site owners) can run for office, but only site owners can vote for a candidate. A typical term lasts 14 days and allows the governor to redirect the production and local market fees to his faction or corporation. A corporation is not required to run for office.
Local Rules
The local rules (command LR
) provide an overview of the current rules of a planet. They show who is collecting the production and local market fees, their currency and height. Governors can change the fee collector and the fees. Fee changes are limited to 5 changes per term. On faction planets and in faction space the height of the fees has to be within certain bounds.
Corporation Finances and Dividend
Corporations now have a minimalist finance overview (command CORPFIN
) that shows the current liquid assets and amount of shares. This is important since the Expanse release includes corporation dividends that are being paid out from the local market and production fees. The dividend payout is triggered whenever a accounting period ends, usually in the early hours each Monday. The payout is on a per share basis and every shareholder in a company receives a divided (if there is enough liquid assets for one). The overview also shows a list with recent dividend payouts.
command now shows the highest bid and lowest ask price (if available) and allows to use these as presets. Also the last price has been replaced with the average price.