Promitor GIFT Leadership Vacancy


My name is Charles and I’d like to be considered for the position of
trustee of the GIFT corporation. I’ve been playing since 15
December 2018. I COLIQ’ed in September of 2019 to start my current
company, Echo Heavy Industries, LTD. I started over because I’d had
enough of the mines of Montem and decided to start fresh on Promitor.
I never looked back.

During my time on PRUN, I’ve participated in a couple of corporations.
I was in PTU for a while and I’ve been in GDP since April of this
year. I’ve been involved in a couple of large community projects. On
Etherwind, I’m a member of a collective that produces large quantities
of drinking water. On Ironforge, the GDP is running a project to
lower the price of BSE on the market. I think if you take a look at
the BSE price trend recently, you might think it is working.

I would like to take on this great responsibility because I truly
believe this is the best way to run a large planet like Promitor given
the requirements of the Populous release. I believe that through our
collective effort, we can provide a fertile beginning planet for
newbs, a strong home base for advanced players, and the dominant
market in the universe. I was inspired by the leadership of Prdgi to
get this concept off the ground and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let
it die on my watch.

If there is any doubt about my sincerity in this application, I’m
going to do something that pains me greatly. I’m going to include a
misspelled word in a public document. I have to say, “I read the
reqcuirements [sic], Prdgi.” Wow, that hurt more than I thought it

If you have any questions for me, ping me here, in-game, or on one of
the various PRUN Discords.