Planetary Descriptions fun(Katoa theory crafting)

One things that interests me is how do planets look? What colour is their atmosphere? What is the composition of the planets? What plants are there?

This is fun little mind game to determine how the planets look and feel to their inhabitants.



To first consider a planet we have to consider the star system.

Star class:  K
Micrometeoroid density:  2.2

A K class star is cooler then a G sequence star(our Sun)-up to 50% and longer lived as well leading to a greater chance of forming life.

The micrometeoroid density is higher then most “safe” systems(medium), so there are a fair bit more asteroids then other systems.

Ementior sits at 0.4 AU from its start -or is 40% closer to its start then Earth, and should be hotter then Earth even though the star is cooler then our sun.

Gravity: 1.19
Higher then Earth, as the planet is not only over 1000km larger then Earth, the planet has a heavy metal content(even though ALO is lighter then other metals)
Temperature: 26.47
With Earth being a average temperature of 15.5°C, Ementior is 11 Degrees hotter then Earth, but not as hot as it should be being close to its star and due to its thicker atmosphere. This is probably due to high surface and cloud reflectivity, due to the high ALO content and the limestone composition.
Pressure: 1.73
With a atmosphere pressure almost double that of Earth, the atmosphere is thick, mostly composed of carbon dioxide, with trace amounts of AMM (1.30%). Due to lack of water there is high amounts of ALO and LST dust in the atmosphere giving it a white appearance from space, and due to the star’s lower solar radiation a yellow-to-red appearance from the ground, during the few times that the sun is visible.

Surface composition:

With 51% Limestone composition and 36% Aluminum ore composition, Ementior is a interesting planet The Aluminum ore would take to form of Native Aluminum(due to lack of Oxygen), Corundum There would be (theoretically), red ruby, and sapphire features on the planet.

Limestone presents a challenge. Limestone requires the presence of water… which Ementior doesn’t have. Ementior isn’t hot enough for the water to boil away, and the atmosphere is too thick for the water to evaporate off like Mars. The water would have been likely consumed by crystallization of aluminum oxide into rubies and sapphires, leaving the limestone to form from the loss of Ementior’s water.

Limestone would be composed of Dolomite, due to the presence of trace Magnesite-which was consumed during the formation of Ementior’s large amounts of Limestone deposits.

Side note: Limestone would also cake and form a “crust” on buildings placed on Ementior, when coming into contact with water.

Final description: Ementior is a main construction and metallurgy hub due to the rare presence of Limestone and Alumimum on a fairly livable planet.

Larger then Earth, Ementior has a thick atmosphere and higher then average gravity, and despite being 60% closer to its sun compared to Earth, Ementior is only 11 Degrees hotter then Earth, owing to the reflective nature of its atmosphere due to the presence of Aluminum.

Ementior lost its oceans due to a rare event in which the water was used to crystalize vast Ruby and Sapphire seas, killing the aquatic life, leaving limestone deposits behind in the wake of this massive extinction event.

(Note this is just for fun and if you’d like to do a planet or like me to describe a planet just ask)


Poseidon(Gallus) HM-049b



Star class:  K
Micrometeoroid density:  4.6

Again with Ementior a cooler K-class star, but this system has a very high micrometeoroid density, suggesting the presence of a nebula.

HM-049b(Gallus) sits close to its star at 0.25 AU, so theoretically HM-049b should be very hot.

Gravity: 0.78

Lower then Earth gravity despite being bigger, suggesting low metal content.

Temperature: 7.64

Despite being so close to its star, HM-049b is pretty cold. This is due to the presence of a dark nebula, called the Great Rift, which blocks out a fair bit of the visible light and heat from the star.

A fair bit of what little heat reaches HM-049b comes from Maser radiation, which despite the lower average temperature of the planet, keeps the oceans liquid.

Most of the planet life on HM-049b is bioluminescent, having learned to harness and react with the maser radiation from the dark nebula.

Pressure: 1.25

The Atmosphere of HM-049 is thicker then Earth, which helps protect it against the radiation from the nebula. Composed of mainly Carbon Dioxide, and Oxygen(14.39%), with trace amounts of Ammonia, the atmosphere allow planet and animal life to large in size.

The atmosphere is a dazzling array of colours, and due to the density of the nebula, stars cannot be seen from the planetary surface. Due to the uneven heating of the liquid water, the planet is quite stormy.

Surface description: HM-049b is composed mostly of water(54.67%) and Silicon(53.41%), which naturally react with the masar from the nebula. HM-049b is a sandy place and mountains are composed of mainly quartz mixed in with rock. The colour of the quartz in the mountains can vary greatly. Most plant and animal life are silica-based due to the high Silicon content.

Final description: Locals call HM-049b Gallus(daring or bold), despite being officially named by the Exodos council as Poseidon, which may confuse unwary travelers who don’t know the planet’s history and the locals refusal to give in to outsiders.
Despite most of the light from it’s star not reaching Gallus, the planet is a very colourful planet as the planet is illuminated and heated by maser radiation, the react with the Great Rift, a dark nebula that Gallus finds itself in.
Composed from the nebula’s heavy water and silicon composition, Gallus has great sandy beaches and mountains of all colours as the unique environment produces all sorts of colours, and is a popular tourist destination
Animal and plant life on Gallus is silicon-based and is bioluminence, adding a soft glow to the landscape.
Any visiting ships are advised to attach a rock-plow to the front, to combat the system’s high micrometeoroid density.



Star class: K
Micrometeoroid density: 4.9

Another K class star system(side note from doing this planetary descriptions K class stars seem to be common for tier one planets). This star system has a even higher micrometeorid density then even Mount Olympus, which suggests Pyrgos is within a nebula.

For Pyrgos I’ll use a Reflection_ nebula with SO-953(a A-class star) being the star that the light reflects the dust particles off of. The nebula is called the Witch Head Nebula based on the nebula of the same name. This nebula is purple in colour.

Pyrgos sits pretty close to its star at 0.3 AU-0.25 AU.

Gravity: 1.08

Slightly higher then Earth, due to the planet’s size.

Temperature: 29.86

Pretty hot being almost 15 Degrees hotter then Earth which would be due to it’s distance from the sun.

Pressure: 1.47

Pretty high considering the gravity and the proximity to the star, suggesting a strong magnetic field. The atmosphere would be ironically yellow-reddish in the daytime and purple(due to the nebula) in the night time.

The atmosphere is mostly Carbon Dioxide with some Oxygen(11.41%) and Ammonia(4.09%)

Surface composition: With most of Pyrgos’s surface being water(64.62%), the extraction rate suggests the oceans are freshwater rather then Salt. There are no minable minerals on Pyrgos’s surface.

The planet is fertile, almost as fertile as Promitor, due to the Ammonia in the atmosphere being a natural fertilizer. This planet would also have some of the few standing trees in the universe.

Final Description: With dazzeling purple night skies and sunset day skies Pygros is a great place to live and visit. Even though Pyrgos is mostly water like Earth, the fertile plains and the fresh-water seas allow easy living to any who settle here.

Many people farm food to export to other planets, but Pyrgos is mostly known for its massive alcohol production due to over three companies having massive Grape Orchards, and HOP Orchards which produce grapes and hops, which due to its location being near both the Benten sector and Moria sector is shipped across the galaxy.

The presence of ALE and Wine has also led to a hot food scene, with Wineries often having their own restaurants for rich patrons to taste the best food since Earth was destroyed. In some circles you are not considered a serious company or corporation if one of your members doesn’t have a base on Pyrgos.


Cannot believe you didn’t mention ‘Pyrgosian Beans’.

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This is so up my alley. Just wish I was clever enough to come up with something as detailed for my home system of Benten.

There must be some kind of program that will actually generate some kind of visual representation from these numbers…

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Well then…

Benten System


Benten is a G class star, like our sun, so one would expect it to behave like the Solar system. The micrometeoroid density is really low, so there is not a lot of astroids in this system.



Katoa sits at exactly 1 AU from the sun like Earth. The Gravity is lower then Earth’s gravity, but the atmospheric pressure is higher suggesting a stronger magnetic field, possibly due to having more then one moon(two moons?).

The temperature of Katoa is lower suggesting Katoa does not have a lot of greenhouse gases, or a significant anti-greenhouse effect.

Atmosphere: The atmosphere of Katoa is a interesting one, as Ammonia is lighter then most gases and would float to the upper atmosphere and form a ammonia “shell” (11%), and would probably reflect and block a lot of sunlight. Ammonia being lighter then air would also lift minerals from the surface into the upper atmosphere, contributing to a mineral "band. Ammonia could also be blown off to form a planetary ring. Ammonia has a lifting power, similar to Hellium, so theoretically there could be floating “continents”

Katoa’s lower atmosphere would be primarly Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide, and there would probably be high amounts alcohol-based chemicals such as methane and propane.

Surface: Despite Katoa’s lower then Earth temperature, there would be no snow or ice, as ammonia mixed in with water would be a effective anti-freeze. However this environment would be more dangerous for humans as freezing rain at temperatures of -40 to -100 would quickly kill a human, and would look like regular rain, and might leave a “frozen statue of a human”.

Galeite rock composes a good portion(22%) of Katoa’s surface. Looks like it would be primarily white (Galeite) All the key components to make Galerite change into fuel form exist on Katoa’s surface- AMM from the atmosphere, GAL, and H from the H2O on Katoa’s surface, and could react to “launch” into the atmosphere-forming a upward rain, and a downward “rain” as well.

With the quantities of Ammonia in the atmosphere, Katoa would have a lot of life-it would be just foul smelling and toxic to humans.

Final description: I’ll have to think about it a little bit, as there is a lot of possibilities


Maybe the OTHER plants smell and were just the good smelling planet. The nose can adapt!

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Vallis is a small rocky plant located in the Moria system, best known for its high iron content, large fabricator and metallurgy industry, and its deep red skies.

System : Moria (OT-580)
Star type : G
Micrometeorite density : 0.2

The star, Moria, is a bright white star, only slightly hotter then Sol.

The system has a low concentration of micrometeorite particulates, suggesting it is quite old, and that the micrometeorites have had time to precipitate into the planets, likely bringing the high iron content that Moria’s planets are known for.

Planet : Vallis (OT-580c)

It is slightly colder then the old earth, probably due to being approximately 1.4 AU from its star.
Despite its high metal content and it’s larger size, Vallis is not significantly more massive then earth.

Vallis’s composition is mostly iron, mixed with air-filled volcanic rocks such as pumice, and other more mineral ones such as light granite, perhaps accounting for its low mass.
Vallis has little water already, with much being locked on the planet’s frigid poles, but some forms small lakes that dot the dry rocky surface. This desert landscape is painted with shades of sandy red, from exposed iron rusting away and turning into dusty, rock covered plateaus.

Vallis’s atmosphere is composed primarily of carbon dioxide, helping to keep the planet warm, and some oxygen, with a trace amount of hydrogen gas stuck in a continuous cycle of lifting to the top of the atmosphere and being mixed down again due to convection.
The atmosphere is slightly denser then earth’s, probably accumulating due to Vallis’s extremely strong magnetic field, generated by the planet’s huge molten iron core, protecting the atmosphere from solar winds that would otherwise shave it away.

But much more striking then it’s composition, is the atmosphere’s color: A dark mahogany red glow due to iron oxide dust being swept into the air, and mixing with soot formed from the flue gas of the planet’s booming smelter industry.
In the evening, this red sky forms a lovely turquoise sunset, and in the day it makes Vallis’s yellow colored parent star of Moria appear a ghastly blue through the thick sandstorms that can often be seen blowing across the sky.

These sandstorms, primarily composed of a thin iron dust can be quite damaging against sensitive electronics or equiptment, but are often times pushed away from larger bases because of their heat forming a pressure shield against storms. Nevertheless, these dust tornadoes are not something to be trifled with, as some are big enough to reach the planet’s upper atmosphere and be seen from quite far away in space.

Native Life
Much of the native plant life on Vallis is mostly composed of lichen-like plants, adept at slowly eating away the iron rock, freeing up it and other valuable nutrients for growths of drought tolerant grasses and a particularly unique group of bright red cacti-like plants.
These beautiful and large cacti-like plants take their red color from a hemoglobin-powered active circulatory system much akin to an animals, made to support small colonies of rodent-like creatures who live in harmony with the plants shade; partially sustained by the plant’s “blood” in exchange for protecting the plant against species of large herbivores that roams the land.

Meanwhile, most of the middle sized animal life often congregates around the many small lakes found between the orange wastelands, forming oasi of avians and conifer-like trees living in thick groves on the mineral rich volcanic soil.
However, as the planet is slowly industrialized more and more, many of these lakes have dried up or been polluted due to human presence disrupting the fragile ecosystems, and massive amounts of smog, fresh of hundreds of smelters and fabricators, have blocked out valuable sunlight from the grassy plants, or covered the lichens with soot.

But all hope is not lost, despite many larger companies disregarding the unique Vallian flora and fauna in the name of profit and ever bigger expansion, recently, committed to preserve some of these natural wonders, some lakes have been converted into planetary parks, carefully maintained to keep the ecosystem alive.

Remember: we can all make an effort to dust off a lichen when we walk by one, and practice more resource conservation in our production plants, or donate to a wildlife park, to keep Vallis’s life alive for future generations to learn from and marvel at.

Ight that was fun!