I have been analyzing how to develop the corridor from Verdant to Huber - the area isn’t terrible, centered on ZK-602, and that analysis has opened my eyes a bit to how to develop areas. One thing I decided was that it should be possible to maintain workers with “internal” production - so you need to setup multiple bases, but once you get to that point the region can support itself. To support itself, you need to have Pioneers and Settlers (if no fertile, you need HYF - which needs CHP - so Settlers). To support them, you need a collection of materials (H2O, N, LST, H, MGS, FEO, ALO, O) - and you need a fertile planet (for HER for KOM) - or that needs to be shipped in - which violated my requirement for self-sufficiency (at least on consumables).
For reference, I was measuring a 24 hour time of travel around ZK-602 (using my Neosho, which is an RCT/FSE ship with LCB).
For future development I would try to make sure that there are Fertile planets scattered across the universe, because that is the only way to make HER and higher level consumables.
I did put a request in discord, and I will echo it here for a DEV intervention to “finger-of-god” a planet within 24 hours travel, preferably 1 or 2 jumps, from ZK-602 to support development of the outer rim, doesn’t have to be high like Verdant or Saladin in terms of fertility, maybe like Moria around 5% or less. But the point being to support development so we can send a few ships, setup a few bases, then the area can support itself.
ADDED: Note that for SEA you can do that with Pioneers and Settlers, but for INS you need multiple (PP3/LAB) Technician buildings - although you can run them at partial ability with only Settlers, but the problem is you need alot of INS to expand this stuff, so maybe there are too many planets needing INS versus SEA - this also limits people expanding out into the area of space I am looking at.
ADDED(2): For Settlers, the luxury consumable REP requires INS to manufacture - when populating to the outer rim, all other consumables can be made with a Pioneer/Settler workforce except for this one. Maybe allow a version of the REP to be made using SEA? SEA can be made using a Pioneer/Settler workforce - this would enable “new sectors” to be self-sufficient on consumables (not counting building/repairing them) - but at least on the “day-to-day” basis they can care for themselves.