Nagging on production fee


I would like to share the following – correct me if I am wrong.

I have realized that there is a production fee grafik for different branches on planets. The final fee for production grafik differs from it.

After some research I came to the conclusion, that grafik

with grafik = standard fee for a product and cycle and

with n = number of production cycles and

t_zs = the standard time per cycle.

with grafik the efficency as standard time divided by actual operating time per cycle and assuming that n is constand you would end up with

F = 20 $ / 24h ; n = 4 cycles; tzs = 6h/cycle –> fzi = 20
with tzi = 12 h and n = 1 cycle
In other words the production fee is a cycle fee.

Depending on the units per cycle you produce its a unit based production fee, given by the standard cycle time of the specific product and the fee set.

The fee based on cycle should be for the the same product the same on each planet. It would differ basing on the units per cycle produced. e.g. if on planet A 5 units are produced it would be 1 per unit while on planet B with 6 units produced it would be a fee of 5/6 per unit.

That is my problem with the approach:

  • The fee based on cycle is not easy to calculate (overseen) as it is different for each product!
  • The basic standard production time is not clear

For my water production i have an efficency of 0,79 with a time of 7h and 33s to produce.

The standard production time therefore should be: 5,53h and 26s. That is like 5h 32 minutes and 14 seconds. Thats not the same as described in the in game menu


With the ingame data my efficency would be 68,41 %thus the calculation of fee is per cycle is different.

  • The fee basing on cycle makes me feal uncomfortable. Either it is charged on unit base (as units per cycle is different. Or it should be charged per time. Currently the fee don’t punish or encourage you to speed up production time. (I know that time equals other costs, but we talk about fees).

  • A fee by definition is something you pay for using something. What are you using ? As I have explained the fee is basing on production cycles (not time, not units)! And a cycle is not something you use. If you say “yeah but you use the planet/ planet time etc.” I had to answer, then the fee must be paid, even if you don’t produce a thing. And again the fee is not based on time, but cycles only.

My suggestions:

a) rename it tax

b) Calculate it basing on the production time only
→ to be paid tax is the tax rate per day multiplied with individual time per cycle multiplied by cycles produced.

This way the user can calculate his tax in an easy way, its still different for each product, it punish or support efficiency (instead of taking it out of the equitation) and as nothing planetary is used it is what it is a tax.

You are paying a fee to have the right to do production/extraction on the planet. :man_shrugging:

Yeah - maybe. I wont be too scientific. Call it fee or tax - the money is gone without having a use for it :slight_smile:
The main problem for me is - the fee in the end is calculated per unit (and each unit has a different fee) and I suggest to make the fee basing on time. (Taking out the efficency from the equotation).
If you have a fee of 24 and you produce 8h you pay 8. Easy to understand and calculate.

But as the title says - just a bit of nagging.

Unfortunately had you chosen any other building you might have gotten useful numbers;

Raw resource extractors have a deposit concentration ‘factor;’ (this is an actual %number that the yellow bars represent, but you can extract the underlying number) this modifies that base production time to ensure you have an integer production output; additionally, it’s worth pointing out that the start planets are ‘custom made’ with much rounder numbers to work with.

For example; take YI-715b’s h2o concentration of 52.379346%; you can find a ‘daily extraction rate’ by multiplying concentration by 60 for gaseous, or 70 for the others (not sure of the maths behind this); getting us 36.6655 h2o/day on Verdant; then you need to figure out units per ‘base’ cycle, so a cycle of 4h48m (or 1/5th day); this gets us 7.333 units per standard cycle.

Compared to Promitor; of conc 52%(exactly); daily rate of 36.4 and per-cycle of 7.28

Some adjustment therefore has to be done to the standard (100% eff) rate, in order to get an integer number of units extracted per cycle. I think is is most probably rounded and the timer scaled proportionally; so 7u/cycle in both cases, but cycle times of 301.078min and 299.077 min respectively (using ( ( (per-cycle-units - rounded-units) / per-cycle-units ) + 1) * ( base-cycle-time )
*edit: this is wrong; honestly no idea how to calculate the scaled cycle times; pretty much everyone goes off the daily rate

I can really feel that for raw resources it is unclear, I barely know it myself, but hopefully i’ve shed some light on the calculations you need to include to get accurate values then.

I encourage you to do your calculation to compare, for example, a BMP (as it has many products with different cycle times), or considering you’re extracting water, an FRM minding you factor in soil fertility, or an FP.

Currently, this is true; as the game develops and the galactic community advances up the ‘tech tree’ a very significant market force is the Chamber of Global Commerce, and Population Infrastructure Projects; both their construction and upkeep. Can’t remember what the upkeep costs are for these (and can’t figure out how to look them up) but a CoGC theoretically costs ~ 800k NCC atm, and would probably take ~100k every 10 days to upkeep, thus taxes/fees go toward A) building a war chest and/or paying off debt, and B) maintaining the benefit.

Currently the only infrastructures will be LM and WAR, which are relatively cheap and have no upkeep, so production fees in most places will be at a minimum; from last universe i can tell you that production fees 10x these was not uncommon on the most developed planets.

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