Larger bases

Suggesting more area per permit and/or more permits per planet.

I think it is unfair for new players as they never have a chance to settle to more than one overcrowed planets. The players who play the game for a longer time had the chance to settle in the beginning. I would suggest to either be able to create extra space for a planet if the governer invests in a special (expensive) projekt or to make planets bigger depending of the whole number of players playing the game. so in early game there would be less spaces than the later the game is progressing.
I also thoungt that it could be a nice idea to sell land just for a period of time e.g. 12 weeks or 1 year or whatever … if you want it for longer you have to pay or there is an auction … highest bidder gets the acre. money gets the governer to build new areas (the goverment ;-)).

There are only a few planets with zero available plots. To be honest, it’s not that big of a deal if you can’t build there. More inner planets have been settled, travel is faster and cheaper than ever so more distant planets are becoming viable options, and loans/base sponsors are so prevalent that no new player needs to slog along for 2mo before they can afford a second base.

Yes, it would be nice if players could build on all of the best worlds or have enormous single bases but you can still get plenty rich without that. Maximizing profits is a nice goal but it is also exploration and variety that make the game fun.

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Ogrebeef you are true in your point of view. And yes there are possibilitys for new players to do a good job … but my point is, that everyone should have a chance to settle on an old full planet … and the chance would be to only offer a space for a period of time - not unlimited … It could be done like repair. If you want to stay on a planet and there is space you can keep your space for a minimum amount. But if its full, everybody has to pay a lot after 150 or whatever days.