How do i delete my account?

No, you can type the command COLIQ in a buffer in game, you do not need to delete your account.

Please delete my account as well, I no longer wish to hold a prosperousuniverse account nor have my email associated with my account. Thank you!

I would also like my account delete plz.

I would like mine delete too plz.

Pls delete my account too

can you delete my account too please

i need my account to be deleted too plese

I need my account to be deleted please

Delterio? Ninjack_Aus for APEX and this forum too

Please delete my account.

I would like my account to be deleted. I didnt know that you had to pay for the game until after I created my account.

The game is very much playable without ever paying.

A PRO license allows you to do more things, but it’s not strictly necessary - though encouraged.

Game is very cool, but not my cup of tea after all.
Please also delete my account.

Actually, I’ve missunderstood something, the game is perfect for someone without much time to play daily, I don’t want my account deleted, sorry for bothering You.

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I also would like my account deleted

May I have my account deleted? Thanks!


yes, I can do that, just to make sure: If I delete your account, your AirlineSim Account will be gone as well, since they are the same. You want me to delete it anyway?

Just a reminder to anyone here that you do not need to delete your account to restart your game - you can open a new buffer and type the COLIQ command to liquidate your company and pick a new starter package and starter world.


Yes, and thanks in advance.

I also would like my account deleted, thanks!