Gateway Information - Development Log #447

The summer heat has Germany in its grip and most of the team is on vacation. We’ll most likely skip next week’s devlog and be back the week after.

You can find the full issue of the development log here.

I know details are still being worked out and development is still in progress but I have a few questions that I hope will be sorted out.

One of the proposed elements of the gateway is “uses per day”. Is that uses per player or uses per gateway? I hope it is per player as per gateway would inevitably lead to some players getting more opportunities and some getting fewer or none.

Is a gateway flight instantaneous or will some amount of time be involved?

For free/basic players will a gateway flight count towards the {2 flights in progress limit}?

Apparently there will be special gateway fuel. Is this something that the government manages or can individual players add fuel? What happens if for example my gateway flight requires 100 gateway fuel so I add 100 to the gateway then someone else starts a flight before I have a chance to click the start button for my flight?

That is going to be per gateway

No, the jump will take time. We currently aim for the equivalent of a fast ship.

The gateway jump will be a segment of a regular flight, so yes, the two-ships-in-flight rule still applies

The operator, governments for now, are in charge of supplying gateway fuel. If there is not enough fuel for the next jump, the flight will be terminated at this point.