If transfer from cargo to the fuel tank the time for traveling to the same destination and same fuel consumption is reduced why??
Your total ship mass is less as you are now burning what used to be your cargo. Rocket equation FTW.
The ship initially had enough fuel to reach the destination, The question was why does moving “additional” fuel to the fuel tanks reduce time to destination, but not use additional fuel.
This is an issue, because mass in the fuel tank(s) isn’t counted towards travel time reduction. (due to increased mass)
The mass of fuel in the tank does affect travel time – at least I think so… I have seen travel time increase after adding fuel to the tank.
SF usage does increase when you add fuel to the tank because the slider is a percentage of available fuel. The FF slider is a percentage of reactor usage and that percentage won’t change when you add fuel to the tank. Depending on several factors (distance to destination, slider setting, amount of fuel in tank) FF usage may or may not change when you add fuel to the tank.
Finally, orbital mechanics. Everything is in motion so time to destination can change even if you make a small change to fuel usage or if a small amount of time has passed since the last time you checked. (To be clear, this is just when planning a flight. Once the flight has started the calculated flight time will not chage.)
Orbital Mechanics only affect STL travel (intra-system)