Environments in System Info Buffer

Adding this information would massively increase the utility value of the System Info buffer, as environment + resources together, as a unit of info, is far more actionable than one or the other. For systems with tons of planets, this would reduce the number of clicks needed by orders of magnitude :slight_smile:


The developers made a decision a long time ago to make certain information like this vague. There was a rationalization for doing this though I can’t recall what it was. The info can be found in 3rd party tools - FIO

I agree though - it would be useful and a big time saver to have data like this built into the game.

Yeah I imagined this had come up before, and sure FIO is helpful. Just seems weird to me that this in-game panel is both extremely detailed (complete per-resource concentration report per planet) and missing critical information (is it a pain to build on?).

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