Create separate queue and production buffers for QOL

Currently, if you have 15 of the same production building, it makes a scroll bar and puts queue at the end like usual. I have plans for a food production base with 30 of the same production building. Having to scroll down every time is a hassle.

The current PRODQ buffer is just details for the entire production line. To be more specific, what I’m looking for is just the ‘queue’ section exactly like in the below picture as its own buffer.

A buffer for production and a separate buffer for queue would be a nice QOL addition. I usually don’t care about how far along my 20th building is from completing its recipe. I will however, always care to make sure there is something in queue, and like to see it at a glance when checking up on my base.

I have the production line buffer taking the full height of my screen (picture below) and I will be getting more farmsteads soon. The scroll bar already has me scrolling to see all 5 queued recipes. This will be worse with my planned 30 food processor base. If I could instead just split the buffer and have just a queue buffer, I’d always have it at a glance.

Having the ‘New order’ buttons on the top of the queue buffer would also be welcome.

(sorry I accidentally deleted my first topic trying to edit it)

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FYI - Once you upgrade your HQ a bit more the queue can expand to as much as 20 spaces. Also, there are situations where a base could have as many as 70 production buildings.

Having separate buffers might not fix it that much. I get what you’re saying though. Maybe having a minimize/expand button at the top of the production line and one at the top of the queue would work.

Refined PrUn is good at adding these little tweaks. I wouldn’t be too surprised to see this in the next update.