Bugs and Improvements

How would Bastion-a (XG-326a) sort in comparison with Bastion - Frost (XG-326d)?

Would YI-715a be in a different part of the sort than Verdant?

Identifiers should be sorted so that planets in the same system are adjacent to each other. The sort order for planets within a system isn’t quite as important (though it still needs to be reasonable - able to be reasoned about) so if Bastion - Titan sorts after Bastion - Frost (because T is after F) or if it sorts before Frost (because XG-326b is before XG-326d) - either way is fine … as long as it is consistent.

What wouldn’t be ok is if Bastion-a is in one part of the sort tree and Frost is in another because then you’d still need to find the places in in system hauler from Titan can go to.

If you spot ‘Frost’ in the list, Titan and Bastion a (and Bastion c - I don’t have a base there yet) should be in proximity to each other.

The most stable sort order for all of this is by system identifier under the covers and is thus probably the best option.

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Sorting alphabetically in general is good thing.
But I’d like to have the option to rename them (visible just for myself and the sake of sorting) or letting us add a few letter prefix.

There is no inventory selection in the COGC

Would it be possible to display more data intervals on the chart? 180d is nice, 720d would be even nicer :eyes:.

p.s I think the intra-day period (and 24hr) are mostly useless. There rarely is any data displayed on them. Also, it should default to 180d (or the highest timeframe) when the buffer opens. Not the smallest.


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In this case the retention rate is not working. the round robin is not working. several people have 800 sci bases. my newest base change was 265d ago. this was happening before that as well with eng.

Very minor QoL suggestion. I like the new section of the notification screen that shows information about notifications in other contexts but could we make the default buffer size a bit larger? When you click the notifications icon it used to pop up with a buffer showing 6 recent notifications but now only shows 4 with the space allocated to other contexts. It’s not a problem if you manually resize the buffer to show more but I think it would be a good QoL change to make it larger by default :slight_smile:

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Here’s a suggestion that I think would be nice. How about a “Message from the Government” box on the planet info buffer? A space where the governor can put a personalized message for anyone interested in the planet. Gov’s could put up a simple welcome message, or something that expressed goals of the planet or a breakdown of the industry or whatever. One example, I’d like to set a 10M base establishment fee on a particular planet. Not to block all new bases but just limit the influx of new bases. It would be nice if I could put up a message that says, “We want to limit new bases to 3 per week. Let us know that you’re interested and we’ll waive/return the fee.”


We’ve had a similar idea, called government notice board, but it was removed, to reduce the scope of the release. Maybe in a future release!

I think the default buffer size for NOTS needs to be increased after 33% of it was taken up in this update with the context feature. It needs more y axis. When you open it, you’re now only being presented with 4 rows of information without resizing the window. I’d be willing to bet a lot of people open it and then instantly resize it.

P.S +1 to PMMG now including ship names in NOTS :smiley:



We’ll change the default size of the NOTS buffer with the next maintenance release


Them, getting something so unachievable, is fine (#GOALS). My point is more that, at least for me, I don’t really see anything other than standard shipping\exploration contracts.


Can we get a Planet: line added to the Motion buffer?
When you have Motion: notifications coming in from multiple planets as a base owner it would be nice to have that info available without needing to refer back to the Notification list to identify the planet every time you were a little to quick to click.


It appears that it is impossible to change the production fees on a planet if they were set to 0 before the update.

On Verdant (fees set to 12) a motion to change to 13 for one would work fine.

On YI-705c, no amount of setting or saving will change it from -- to a numeric value.

Thanks for reporting the issue, it’ll be fixed with the maintenance release. It is just a display issue, so you can try this:

  • Remove the production fee component
  • Add a new production fee component
  • Set the production fees as required
  • Save
  • Vote for the motion

The production fees should change accordingly.

None of the people I actually send contracts to regularly are on this list. This list is entirely comprised of people who sent me contracts. IMO they should never be included on this list.


I only send contracts regularly to two people and they’re usually off of the list by the time I need to re-send it to them.


I have 30 or 40 outstanding loans at any given time, and there are really quite a lot of notifications that come up from issuing loans. it’s 4-6 notifications per day as people make their weekly interest payments. I’d really prefer not to be notified about successful payments, since it requires no action on my part, so I don’t think interest payments on loans should notify the lender. Another setting within NOTIG for this I’m sure would be perfect.

With the new features in the Building Repair, the materials are not displayed by default.
It requires a selection of 24 or 48 hrs before the field populates and changing the setting back to ‘Now’ for your current repairs to show.


QoL improvement for navigation.
When inputing a destination can the results show the matches from the Base and Warehouse lists before the complete list? At present none of the catagoried destinatioins are processed with the filter.

I don’t think ASE should be coming up on this search.

edit: all searches

If you don’t input the location in a buy contract during the setup phase

Then the contract will become hardlocked and you cannot make any edits, or imput a destination. It will not save those inputs and give illegal argument error.

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