Bugs and Improvements

Notifications of the same type which arrive at very similar times are grouped and don’t report. This is an anti-spam measure so that you don’t get 20 notifications for one series of production orders finishing at the same time. It’s my understanding that this is functioning as intended.

However, you’re right, I would like to see ships and other one-off items should be excluded from this. I very frequently see this interaction myself with ships arriving.

If I complete production on MCG and FE at the same time then only one of those gets reported, the other is lost. You’re correct about not wanting 20 notifications or in this case 40 nofications totalling up both jobs but there should be 2 notifications one for each product.

The shipment was in my base and I was trying to deliver it to the person I had shipping contract with. So it might be his inventory that was full. If that’s the case then there should be information about this.


It appears that the command input in the buffer downcases the user input when searching through command descriptions? Typing “Construct” only displays the BSC command, which has “construct” in the description, but does not return BBC, which has “Construct” in the description.

Nice catch! I will open a ticket for that.

my warehouse is bugged, nothing comes up when I click the “blocked materials” (and the two corresponding contracts), screenshot attached below:
What I did

  1. Got a contract from a player
  2. all the contract conditions were met except picking up the goods
  3. Player liquidates their company
  4. I attempt to pick the items up at my almost-full warehouse (at the time)
  5. some items (5x Carbon) enter my warehouse
  6. I hire more warehouses to solve the space issue
  7. The blocked materials appear automatically in my warehouse (after hiring a new warehouse) and doesn’t unpack into the goods I’ve picked up.

I don’t know what was the intended feature of the game when a player liqidates and has pending contracts, but I do know that there shouldn’t be any bugged items in the game.
@molp could you please fix this bug? (if you can’t refund the items back. may I keep one of the glitched “blocked materials” items that are in my warehouse’s inventory, as I’d like to have a memento of the bug report?)


In CXOS deleting sell order without enough warehouse space for the materials to go back to storage still results in green screen and “Order Deleted” even though it is not deleted due to no space.

Thanks, this is a known issue and we’ll fix it with the next release.

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The population graph for Aceland is only showing a week instead of 30/90/180 days.

20char limit

Insert the BASIC license feature listed on the license comparison page: Access to CX Local Market shipping contracts.
(I never knew about that until today, which could’ve decreased the amount of shipping I had to do going back and forth places repeatedly with half-full loads)

Could you guys also list the BRA command, CoGC/ADM voting, Price band skipping etc as part of the update to the landing page. If these features sound too hard to explain or make the page too long, could the dev team please create a mega wiki page with all features all listed out? This would clarify a lot of things to players like me on the differences between the tiers.

I think it is there? On this page it says:

There is also an overview in the handbook

You are right about BRA it should be added to the handbook and feature comparison page.

(didn’t clarify, I meant the action of posting shipping contracts on the CX. I should’ve reread my post)

Created a ticket for that! Sorry for the confusion.

so was this feature (Posting shipping contracts on the CX LMs) intended for BASIC players to use or is it a glitch?

I tried to sell 26 CAF which included the 5 of Prokat’s request and this is what happened:
Screenshot from 2023-05-03 21-15-18

I managed to get better example.

  1. Same sliders settings
  2. Clicking on slider handle causes distance to be reaclculated (small amount due to planets movement) - this is ok I don’t argue with that
  3. Every few clicks distance changes by much greater amount that is not explainable by planets movement (rather by distance calculation bug/bad algorithm) - This is not ok especially that longer trip takes more fuel than shorter one in this example. Second thing is that by clicking a few times it can revert to the previous shorter and cheaper calculation. If there is already ticket for this I will stop looking for examples but I did not get any response just reassurance that this is correct behaviour (maybe there is no bug and just the algorithm has a flaw).


I know in this example there is a small difference in cost but there are much greater differences on other routes and it’s a bad thing that each time I change the value on the slider I have to wonder whether I got shorter or longer version of the route calculated and the only way to tell is to click on the handle a few times.


next time you come across this, have the map open and look at the last leg of the route when your ship approaches the target planet.

I bet that on the longer route it will try to catch up with the planet (travel same way as planet orbit) while on the shorter route it is approaching head on (opposite direction of planet orbit).

Do please keep reporting as the behavior is indeed unpleasant and can look like a bug or flaw.
Maybe molp needs to review it again.

I can replicate this almost at will in most flight calculations. I don’t have any idle ship at the moment so I will test in the evening to check what is rendered on the map but right now I recorded BLU test flight with the whole route visible and cost is the same but there is ~2-3h difference in duration. The only changing nodes are DEP and APP.


I was testing production rates between my EXT and SME lines, by activating and removing experts, to validate whether my currently balance of lines was going to be sustainable. I seem to have gotten logged out while reactivating some of my experts, and now I have 4 Metallurgy experts active, and 3 Resource Extraction experts active. I’m not sure how I pulled this off exactly, but here’s a screenshot anyway.

I’ve left it on for now, in case you want/need to validate this. Please let me know when I can turn it off, as this is the opposite of sustainable for me, though I’ve got a bit of buffer before I hit a wall.
