I’ve built several storage units today and upped my capacity to 50,000 tonnes. As it seems now, there’s no bug at all. And the bar has always been fine @molp.
What would be needed, is probably a better way of informing users about storage capacity. And/or maybe higher capacities in general. Especially with ore mining (where sadly you can’t chose which ones you need and don’t need) capacity fills up quickly.
One small “bug”/improvement on the screens if you place a chart in a tile the selection of the period (24h,7d,30,…) doesn’t get saved if you reopen the screen, the chart shows intra-day again.
and another little bug, bought first 15 and then 12 smelters from the MM but because there was not enougth weight left didn’t get them. Buying only two worked but even if i cleared almost everything to my fleet they don’t get delivered
okay, they are now listet in pending contracts, but how do i get them?
Also a small improvement suggestion to the Reaktor queue problem in general the ui is pretty simpel and self-explanatory so for the beginning or until you find time to redesign it, may be you can convert the queue to an table below the recipes so you could also sort it to seer when the next processing of a special thing is finished, or how many are queued and how long they take…
my second suggestion is: you could add a little clock some were in the UI maybe Server or UTC Time and add to the timeings some finishing times so you can see easily when something is finished.
Found a bug regarding the tiles. I had my screen set up on a large monitor with the tile for the base filling up the complete height of my monitor. When I have it open on a smaller screen, everything looks the same and I can scroll in all the tiles on the left, but I cannot scroll in the tile on the right (i.e. the tile with my base overview). The problem seems to be with the base view and not with the size of the tile, because I tried a different configuration with the base view filling only half of a tile and it is still not scrollable.
After expanding my little base futher, i realy get on the limits with the current system how you can manage your reactors.
For example currently i have 5800 pioneers to feed them i need per day 116 NUS to achieve this i need around 10 farms and 10 food processors that only produce Mushrooms and NUS around the clock so thats okay and easy to handle but if you want to go further and for example build HB2 and house 2000 settlers things get a little bit complicated
Drinkingwater(DW) i think is not a big deal so i will not mention it here also Medical Supplies(BMS) because i am not at the point were i have the required bulidings so i can’t look up what you need for that.
So we are left with Protein Past(PPA) and Beer(BR) both require only farms and food processors.
so imagine we want to house the 2000 settlers we will need 40 PPA and 20 BR per day
To produce 40 PPA per day you will need 14 food processors (they produce 42 but a little bit more is better than less) to feed the 14 food processors you need 84 Hydrocarbon Plants(HCP) and to produce these you will need 21 farms.
To produce 20 BR per day you will need 20 food processors (one beer needs about 15h 22m so you can’t produce more than one per day and deliver it in time… you could let them run for 1 day 22h and get 3 BR but to keep it easy lets say 1 BR per day…) so you need per beer 2 Grains(GRN) that mean you will need 40 GRN and one farm can produce exactly 4 GRN per day so you will need 10 farms.
All in all you need at least 41 farms and 44 food processors to run only a small village of about 5800 Pioneers and 2000 Settlers.
just for fun: to run these 41 farms and 44 food processors you will need 4250 Pioneers( ~73%)
so to manage all of these i have to come every day online and fill them up with new tasks because the queue has only 5 spaces…
so i suggest an option for a repeating order that can be ckecked will be a good idea also an grouping option for Reaktors(the count of the reaktors would then be interpreted as an multiplier to input and output so you can reuse the same interface but work with maybe tausends of Reaktors as it would be only one big ), so i can group for example 10 farms to produce mushrooms continual and give 21 other farms in an other group the order to produce HCP continual. so you can build a self sustainable factory system, that produce what you need… the queue will also be needed e.g. if you want to produce only a small amount of something or things like buldings in the prefab plant.
So enough math for this evening i hope everything is understandable and if you have questions, let me know here or on discord
you need 256 H2O per day for all 41 farms and 44 food processors also one rig produces 323 H2O per day so that’s enough
First of all, thanks a lot for the elaborate analysis.
We are well aware of what you described. But to be honest, we didn’t really expect anyone to actually get that far: We expected the first round of testing to be mostly one of the technical systems (UI, server, data storage etc.) and were prepared to see a lot of technical bugs that we’d need to fix and that would most likely keep players from actually doing much. As it turned out, this wasn’t the case, which means people started to build far bigger setups and bases than we anticipated.
So to cut it short: For the first test we worked with our very first draft of the material tree because we did’t expect it to matter much. So yesterday we have spent several hours starting to prepare the tree for the second round of testing. And I promise it will be quite a bit different from the current one. Most importantly, it will be considerably slower start into the game (at least that’s what we’re going for).
Needless to say that of course we need to address the UI issues that arise when people start building larger bases. But the kind of growth you experienced during these first days of testing is not representative of what we want the final game to look and work like
The satisfaction of my population was at 100% again (finally ).
I calculated how much food processors/farms I need to keep it that way and build additional FPs and Habitation Modules.
When I built the first additional Habitation Module the satisfaction instantly dropped to ~10%.
It seems all my pioneers were hungry at the same exact moment…
At which point are the daily needs of my population removed from my inventory?
Is it a specific time of the day?
Or should it be continuously? (Every hour 1/24th of the required food/drinks)
Not sure if this was reported already: I wanted to open the base view in a new tile but didn’t find the correct command resulting in the error message “illegal command” below the command line. So far so good, but then I navigated to my base within a buffer window and when I tried to drag this buffer into the tile, it does not work.
A couple of issues I have noticed so far in the second test:
progress numbers in the production line overview are stuck at 0%, though they show correctly in the details window - Edit: this seems to be fixed upon refreshing. - Second edit: it seems the percentages don’t update until you open a new base buffer/refresh. So if you have the production lines as a permanent window on your screen, they won’t update in real time.
production durations for active orders seem to round up to the nearest hour
I have 2 hab 1 modules, which should require 4 rations/drinking water per day but I now have 11 units of each from my starting 16 instead of the 12 I would expect
Re 1.) That’s a known issue, will get it sorted out asap.
Re 2.) That’s kind of intentional because I used another component to generate those times that’s less noisy for times further into the future, but the old countdowns are obviously more precise and a bit more lively. Other opinions on this?
Re 3.) Without having looked into it in detail, I think that’s fine. The additional 2 units should be used properly beyond the current period. It’s probably just the way materials are consumed. Internally, fractions are used, but only integer-multiples are removed from storage, so the system has to round up. But keep an eye on it just to be sure
Now I have a Problem with my production. Yesterday I had founded my new Base and Install all modules as a Constructor. Then I activate two productions and try to trade something to produce. Some buys are closed. But today the production-Button is insensitive. In the Production-Window there is the text ‘Not implemented yet. Will provide a list of all your production locations similar to how the BS command shows a list of all your bases.’. But how should I show, what I need now and If I cannot produce something I have nothing to sell.
It’s a know bug. Just take the first few letters of the ID in the BS command and use to in a new buffer/tile with the PROD command. So if your base ID starts “abc”, enter this command “PROD abc”.
Your loading screen still shows, so something is obviously broken. I assume that reloading the page doesn’t fix it?
Can you please reload it anyway and immediately after right-click somewhere and open “Element untersuchen” (you are using Firefox, right?). There should be a button “Konsole”. Open and it and see whether there are any errors and if so, please let me know which ones.
don’t know if this is a bug or i missunderstand the UI but if this two Triangels are my ships, they arraived two dayes ago on this planet next to them and showen since them like they fly next to them…