BUG: Unable to withdraw from an election race from a planet I don't have a base on. "Illegal Arguments"

Wanted to test if you can run in an election you don’t have a base; “JS-601c”. You can! However, you are unable to withdraw from the race.

Get an error message “illegal arguments”

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The HAL & FEO community on JS-601c run very open elections. Even players without bases are able to run for office!

Jokes aside… that appears to be quite an error.

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Thanks for your bug report. I just tried it with a test account, in general at least, it seems as if running and withdrawing are working just fine. It seems something went wrong in your case and this is something I will have to investigate. Could you please try to run on another planet and withdraw, just to see if this is a persistent error?

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I tried running on Arclight and received the following response.

Note that I am currently in a race on PYRGOS CH-771a so this error message is accurate.
However, when I received the first “illegal arguments” message on JS-601c I was also currently active in the PYRGOS race.

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Was elected governor of Pyrgos but still get the same error message when I reran for another term but try to withdraw.