Allow ads for Loans on the Local Market

On the local market you can currently select three templates; buying, selling and shipping. These are nearly identical to the custom contract templates. The custom contract templates additionally have three templates for loans, which are Interest, Annuity and Stable loans.

So could these loan templates also be applied to the local market, allowing players to place ads for these kinds of loans? With the shipping ad you request shipment. Similarly, with the loan ad you request a loan, which will use the template for a loan as a borrower.

There was also an earlier thread about a corporate bond market with an interesting discussion on the viability and commitment. That feature request is much larger than this feature request has in mind.

On Neo Eden - Nemesis we are currently having a discussion on providing loans to starting players on the planet. A kind moderator by the name of Saganaki gives out 100k annuity loans to starting players as a one time offer at 0% interest with a 10k weekly repayment, and we wanted to do the same on the planet locally. It would help us if loans can be posted as ads.

Someone in the bond thread proposed allowing government accounts to issue out these investments, which could require additional work that does not seem needed.
If you can also select lender in the loan option, the governor can make a loan for new players if there is no other player offering a loan aimed at beginners.