A warehouse for government accountability

The problem: lack of transparencies

(1) Lots of money goes out

You’ll occasionally see a motion of the form “Pay 500,000 to Govenor” and that gets some eyebrows raised. On one hand, COGC and POPI cost a lot, but that is a lot of money moving.

To a new player, it looks like a lot of “old player collecting taxes from everyone at a starter world to line their own FINLA.” To other expereinced players this is a bit of :face_with_raised_eyebrow: - yea, COGC is costing 225k and I’m sure there are some POPI contributions in there… 500k isn’t too far out of line if so, but what was it for?

Either way, this is a lot of money going out and while the money out transparency is good to actually see what money is going into the hands of the individual rather than the rather opaque “it goes into corporate finances and dissapears from there” it does a poor job of reflecting what that money is used for.

(2) POPI contribution difficulty

POPI contributions are a rolling 30 day window that reflects the last update. If a player contributes 100 DW to the infirmary fourteen days ago and 1 DW to the infirmary today, this will show up as 101 DW today.

This makes accounting for POPI contributions more difficult. And there are also things like “I really don’t want people contributing DEC to the park - its not cost effective for the level of happiness needed from that building.”

The ask: a warehouse for all goverments

Give each government an inventory that corresponds to the maximum size warehouse that a player can rent. As governments are the rent collectors for the warehouse, this would be effecitvely free - but its a warehouse of that size.

Members of the government can freely (without motion) transfer goods from the goverment warehouse to COGC or POPI upkeep or building projects (BBHs and such for building upgrades). Such contributions to COGC or POPI would show up as from the planetary governance rather than the person who did it.

Goods move into the goverment warehouse via motion. For example a motion of “Payout to Player of 80,000” and “Goods contribution of 1000 DW from Player”.

There should also be a “Goods transfer” for the joker that passes a motion of 129 AUO to fill up the one warehouse unit on Cortez.

The reason: it makes it easier to track

With this, it becomes easier to link “Governor transfered {amount} of DW, RAT, MCG, and PE to the warehouse and was paid out this much… ok that’s 50% over CX prices…”

Likewise, it becomes possible to have POPI be a “if you want to have the planet buy the materials you are offering, the rate is 5% under current ask price on the CX. Contact a member of parliament to create the motion.” This is easier to track rather than the current POPI contributions (though still awkward and there are other posts on that).

The bonus: maybe LM ads?

It would also be neat if this could be used as a inventory destination for LM ads. This provides an easier way to do transfers into the inventory and allows a broader interaction with the government for players by seeing them do things on the local market.

This would primarily be buying but possibly also selling for situations where a planetary government wants to provide goods on the LM to help with shortfalls (fuel on out of the way worlds, consumables for the player who needs some now). Sure, players can do this too, but it provides another option for interaction with goverment.

The end: so what was this about again?

Adding a warehouse for goverments would enable those goverments to better account for thier expednenteres. This in turn allow for motions have fewer raised eyebrows and help insipre confidence in new players that governments arne’t just a way for some players to collect taxes from new players.


Or, let us set prices for materials and payout people when they contribute.

A matrix like the tax system.

That way you can set for example DEC to 0 - so if anyone contributes, they know it is not wanted and they are not getting any money.


Yeah i can get behind Warehousing and its use.

Collecting resources for the GOV, LM adds would work or direct conts via motions.

I would like to see GOV requests for supplies, be an open ended input for the player.
Where the GOV requests 3500 OFF, but the player only has 500 to sell with LM ads they are locked out of that. Where as if it was an open CX style buy where any amount could be sold in as the $/u is already set.

Exporting of goods from the GOV WAR would require a motion if headed to a player.
Using GOV WAR goods to fill planet needs or upgrades would be unrestricted.

I also think it should be on the GOV to fill the infra and COGC, locking players out from contributing UNLESS there is no sitting Government at all. OR let the gov set a yes/no on all inputs so like Gladi said DEC is locked out if its set to 0.