Brainstorming the competition problem


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What if a company had to pay rent for bases on starter (i.e. hub) planets after a certain period of time. So IC initially gives Promitor settlers starting resources and two ships, and they are loaned a start-up location on the planet. At the end of a particular time period, they can begin paying rent to IC or dismantle and move all operations to a non-hub planet. The amount they pay can be based on the area that they are using on that planet. This would be similar to a city giving a new corporation tax breaks for a particular time period which then expire over time.

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I am playing a while now and I see on the global chat some of the struggles of the newly registered players, especially on outer planets (where there is no Exchange).

I think starter companies should have support in the beginning (either within a defined period of time, or bellow a certain turnover / daily production output).

For example locally available goverment support, like a daily limited amount of discounted fuel / basic consumables.

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I’m sure a larger playerbase would counteract the problem of the difficulty of non-CX planets a bit, since local markets would be more lively. But maybe limited market makers on planets without an exchange would be a small scale solution? Although I’ve heard that eventually, the team doesn’t want there to be any MMs at all anymore.

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